Saturday 28 June 2014

Life Update: June

I can't believe it's almost been a month since I've moved to Birmingham. To be exact, I'm living in Solihull, a suburb area that is about thirty minutes away from Birmingham. Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to check in with you guys and let you know what I've been up to!

The boyfriend and I are renting a small flat, it's actually an extension of our landlady's home. It's not as small as I had expected. We've decorated a teeny bit with some random bits and bobs, but we've mainly stuck to purchasing things we actually needed (a toaster, a kettle, some plates, etc) rather than things we wanted. I've been picking up a lot of decorating bits, such as pictures frames, from the charity shops around town and the sales, so that'll be my own little project for the next month. I really want each space to have a proper theme. We went with red in the kitchen, blue in the bathroom, and everything else is sort of a weird mix and match.

Our neighborhood is so nice, I love it. I'm literally two minutes away from the main bus line, which takes me to the town centre or even to Birmingham. There's plenty of green space, and a lot of the little shops are in walking distance. There doesn't seem to be a lot of activities to do in Solihull (it's similar to Brossard) but we are close to Birmingham, where there are plenty of festivals/events to see. Hopefully we'll get more time this summer to see some interesting things.

Yes, I have a job! Can you believe it? I had the biggest fear that I would be looking for work during an entire month or more, and would run out of money, and basically live off the boyfriend. Thankfully, I managed to get a job at The Body Shop in Solihull, and although I'm only working on a part-time basis, I have been getting plenty of hours in the last couple of weeks. I'm so excited for payday! I've been having a great time at The Body Shop, I'm working with a lovely bunch of women, and everyone's been very friendly/welcoming. Plus, we do get a pretty nice discount, so expect a lot of TBS product reviews.

Not as interesting, but it's been really fun trying to set up a rotation of weekly meals for us to cook. The boyfriend is usually home after me, so I'll usually start dinner before hand. I cook, he cleans up my mess. Fair enough because I hate cleaning. Then on fridays, we'll usually have a takeout/eat out, and he's the weekend cook. I've been trying some new recipes, trying to venture out from my spaghetti rut. I do love spaghetti though, it's the best comfort food.

I have been such a bad blogger! It's mostly due to laziness, lack of inspiration, and a little bit of unorganization. I want July to be a complete 180 with blogging, and I'm hoping to set up scheduled posts for the days I'm working/busy. I'm in the process of selling my DSLR camera (goodbye, beautiful Canon) for something smaller. The main reason I never blog is because I hate lugging around the big camera when I'm just going to town. With a smaller camera though, I'm going to try to document more things around me. I'm also getting inspired by a lot of bloggers, I'm favoriting post ideas, and I'm possibly debating whether or not to get back into Youtube. Do you guys have suggestions for what you'd like to see on the blog? My movie reviews tend to do well as far as page views go, so I'm definitely going to try to incorporate more film related topics. Do you like fashion posts? Makeup posts? General life posts? Let me in the comments below.

Anyway, that's my update for the month of June. I don't know if this will be a monthly thing, it was just something I felt was important to do since I've moved. If you're reading this far, congratulations, you've made it to the end. Wowza.


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